Make a Mark

With Your Spark!

Living in a material domain

We judge each day, for what we do.

Marking the passing of time too.

Thoughts of who we are, our refrain


Are we spirit or are we beast?

Will we war or together feast?

Can we share our earth today?

Can we hold our enemies at bay?


In our bodies we feel autonomous.

But when we breath, we breath the same air.

Its only in space we need to possess,

on earth the O2 we need to share.


Are we alone, do others exist?

Have they watched us, or even more?

Do they see how the “gods” we adore?

Will they come in peace, or on war insist?


As we pass from the material sphere,

We let go of everything, matter is gone.

No need for time as everything is one.

Past, present and future all seem so near.


Will questions be answered, even our mold?

As was that what we were told?

What will it be like, being altogether?

As spirits merging for the better?


Don’t hold life too dear my friend,

As your future may be around the next bend.

But don’t waste your spark, leave a mark

Then we can say we lived not in the dark.

By Joe van Koeverden